About Us

What Is RIE and Why Does It Exist
The Risilience Information Exchange organization (acronym RIE / pronounced “REE”, the most frequently used name in discussion or documents) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote business continuity planning, disaster recovery planning (i.e. information technology ‘gear’), emergency management, crisis management and other related 'resilience & preparedness disciplines' as integral components of an overall organizational strategy. This includes appropriate integration with risk management staff / protocols within the host organization.
A Little History
DRIE (Disaster Recovery Information and Exchange) was founded in Toronto, Ontario in 1985. A small group of then disaster recovery planners came together to exchange ideas and information about their organizations’ planning efforts. RIE (a new name, but the same basic group) now has affiliate chapters throughout Canada and abroad (Australia), with approximately 720 members worldwide.
RIE Objectives
  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information between Business Continuity management practitioners;
  • To be an authoritative source of information relating to Business Continuity management;
  • To promote Business Continuity awareness within the business, government and not-for-profit  communities;
  • To advance the professional standards of the Business Continuity Management disciplines; and
  • To engage with representatives from business, not for profit and government organizations in providing information to support the most effective and efficient Business Continuity schemes for the protection of life, the health and safety of individuals, property and the environment.
And More Specifically RIE-SWO
Our members live or work in a variety of towns and cities across southwestern Ontario, literally from Windsor to Mississauga. Face-to-face meetings are usually held in a convenient central location, such as Cambridge or Kitchener / Waterloo.

Membership Benefits:
  • Participation in RIE-SWO semi-annual symposia
  • Access to RIE-SWO symposia presentation materials
  • Networking opportunities with other preparedness practitioners, vendors, etc.
  • RIE-SWO publications (Member Updates, Newsletters and Brochures)
  • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits
  • Conference discounts (e.g. DRJ etc.)
  • Free Participation in select activities of other RIE chapters
  • and more
Inquire about membership by emailing our Membership Director at  membership@rie-swo.org  
© 2025 Resilience Information Exchange - South Western Ontario